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What to Consider When Redesigning Your Church’s Website

You’ve probably heard it said before, but your website is your church’s new front door. Especially in the post-Covid age of virtual Sunday streaming, your website is the place people go to get to know more about your community and to see if it’s the right fit for them. It’s important that your website makes it clear to visitors who you are, what you’re about, and what kind of person you ...

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How to Find the Perfect Name for Your Church Plant

So you’re planting a church? This almost certainly was not a decision made lightly, or without months if not years of prayer and discernment. As you start to organize all of the details for your launch, you’re going to need a name, and you’re not going to want to phone it in. Your name is your church’s first impression. It sets the tone for how you take up space in the mind of your communi...

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5 Tips for Talking About Giving Around Christmas

As the Christmas season approaches, churches welcome a diverse array of visitors and guests eager to partake in the warmth of community and celebration. For pastors like you, this presents a unique opportunity to engage the congregation in conversations about giving, sharing the spirit of generosity that defines this joyous time. Finding the right "giving language" is crucial during the holidays, ...

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Buy It or Write It: Choosing Curriculum for Kids’ Ministry

As a Children's Pastor, implementing a curriculum that will guide the spiritual growth and development of the young minds in your care is just one of your many important tasks. When it comes to curriculum, there are two main options: purchasing a ready-made curriculum or crafting your own from scratch. Both approaches have their merits, and in this post, we'll explore the pros and cons of each to ...

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How to Follow Up with Families After Vacation Bible School

Summer Vacation Bible School (VBS) is an exciting and impactful event in the life of a church community. It provides a unique opportunity to share the love of God with children and families, creating lasting memories and building strong relationships. However, the impact of VBS does not end when the final day concludes. Sometimes families are introduced to church and Jesus for the first time throu...

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Talking About the Theology of Worship Lyrics

As worship pastors, we know that leading our congregations in worship is not just about playing music and singing songs. It’s about creating a space for people to connect with God, and one way we do that is through the songs we choose to sing. However, from time to time, people can and will take issue with the lyrics of worship songs and claim they have bad or harmful theology. Some of these can...

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Pastors: When to Recommend Professional Counselling for Congregants

As pastors, we are called to serve our congregants in any way we can. We strive to provide spiritual guidance and support to our congregants during difficult times. But there may be times when it is necessary for us to recommend that a congregant seek specialized counselling in addition to meeting with pastors and church staff. In this blog post, let's take a look at when it might be necessary for...

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Preparing for Easter Services as a Worship Pastor

Easter is a great day for celebration in the church! It’s also a great day for a gallon of coffee, nerves, anxiety, and stress... If you’re a worship pastor of course. We kid, but if you are a worship pastor, you can probably relate on some level. The only reason those of us in the church get stressed about Easter is because we recognize how important of a holiday it is. There’s going to ...

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Talking to Youth Leader Volunteers About Boundaries

Youth ministry is designed to be a safe and nurturing space for students to encounter God, discover themselves, and develop meaningful friendships. These years are formative, the environment is fun, wholesome, and sacred. One of the most important relationships young people have are with trusted, supportive adults. Data from the National Survey of Children’s Health shows that “having one o...

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How to Jumpstart a Sermon-Based Small Group Curriculum

As a teaching pastor, creating sermon series that will serve your congregations is an important part of your job description. From finding the right scripture, narrowing in on salient themes, and constructing messages that will build meaningfully week after week, the time and intention that goes into crafting these series shouldn’t have to end after everyone leaves the sanctuary for Sunday brunc...

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How to Plan Your Church Calendar A Year in Advance

New year, new you! Ok, maybe not a completely new you. But January 1st offers a fresh opportunity to set your church calendar up for success in the new year. Building out an entire calendar advance can feel intimidating, but it can help reduce overwhelm and scrambling later on in the year. Looking at your content from a bird’s eye view can also help you avoid obvious holes or redundancies in you...

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How to Motivate and Reward Church Staff Without Promotion Opportunities

The church can be a great place to work when its at its best; the environment is comfortable, the people are friendly, and the mission is meaningful. But for many small to mid-size churches, there often isn’t much “upward mobility” or room for improvement. Most churches have two, maybe three “levels” on their organizational chart. Without room for promotions, it can be tricky to make sta...

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How To Run Successful Church Staff Meetings

Most of us have experienced staff meetings, for better or worse. Standing meetings have the potential to be your staff’s favorite time of the week, or it can feel like black hole on their schedule every week. Staff meetings don’t have to be torture, but it requires intentionality on the part of the person or persons running the meeting. Here are a few ideas to help you turn your meetings into ...

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How to Reduce Staff and Volunteer Turnover

When you’re trying to develop a solid culture and further the mission of your church, losing staff and volunteers in droves can be Demoralizing. Not only is it frustrating, but it costs you time, money, and productivity that sets everyone back. Before we talk about strategies for retaining and developing your people, it’s important to understand the reasons why people leave in the first pl...

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Give Helpful Feedback in Rehearsals

Everyone who leads rehearsals has a slightly different style, from how the whole rehearsal is organized to how he or she communicates musical changes. One of the trickiest things as a band leader is attempting to give feedback to band members about their playing. If you don’t play the instrument they’re playing, you may run into an added layer of “imposter syndrome” as you try to commu...

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How To Handle A Bad Audition

I’m sure you’ve found yourself in this situation before; you’ve held an audition with a prospective new band member, and they didn’t meet the standards you set for your worship ministry. How do you prepare for the difficult conversation of letting them know they didn’t make the cut? This is one of the tensions of leading in a community within the body of Christ. Each of us is a part o...

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How Do You Talk About Pastor Appreciation Month?

I’m uncomfortable, you’re uncomfortable, everyone’s uncomfortable. October is almost here, and if you’re a pastor, you know what that means – it’s pastor appreciation month. Which, if we’re being honest, feels delicate. When I served as a pastor, I was always the first to say that I didn’t need any special recognition. And while I didn’t NEED the extra recognition, I think ...

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Why You Should Talk About Labor Day At Your Church

If you lead a church, you’re used to making time in your services to speak into various national and cultural holidays. Beyond the major Christian holidays like Christmas and Easter, many of us in the United States recognize and celebrate holidays like Memorial Day, MLK day, or the 4th of July. One holiday that seems to fly under the radar in most churches is Labor Day. Frequently this is tr...

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Tips for Getting Worship Team Volunteers to Prepare

A lot of musicians from the church draw a strange line between worship and performance, as if the two are mutually exclusive. There’s often this presumption that if you’re worried about the music, you’re not worshiping, and that performance always pales in comparison to the importance of being engaged in worship. And while this is an incredibly “noble” intention behind why many volunt...

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Worship Pastors: Importance of Positive Feedback to Musicians

Being a pastor of any sort is an incredibly busy (and often draining) job. You’re shouldering the weight of daily responsibilities, constant meetings, endless to-do lists, and on top of it there’s the entire relational aspect to the job. Don’t get me wrong – I know pastors love their congregations and volunteers, but when you stack the responsibilities of being personally involved in all y...

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