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How to Nail Content for Your Church’s Social Media

Social media has become a powerful tool for churches to connect with their congregations and reach the wider community. Most churches, however, don’t use social media to its full potential. What if, instead of just using your social platforms to share updates and post event flyers, you could actively deepen your community, reach new people who need encouragement, and share God’s truth and love...

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7 Tips for Simplifying Your Holiday Calendar

The holiday season is a special time for the church community, filled with opportunities to connect, celebrate, and share the joy of the season. However, managing the church's holiday calendar can be overwhelming, with the temptation to pack it full of events and activities. In this blog post, we'll explore the benefits of simplifying your approach to the holidays and focusing on just a couple of ...

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Plan a Church Picnic That Meets Everyone’s Dietary Needs

With warmer weather and longer days, Summer is the perfect time to take your community events outdoors. Outdoor potlucks and picnics are a fantastic way to gather as a community; there’s food to share, wide open spaces for the kids to run around, and minimal prep and clean up required. Chances are, however, there are people in your congregation with dietary restrictions that sometimes make it ha...

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3 Low-Cost and Cost-Free Ways to Make Your Church Coffee Better

Let's face it. The term "church coffee" is basically synonymous with terrible coffee. When you think about church coffee, you probably picture coffee that's too weak, too burnt, and just plain tastes bad. There are exceptions to this. I've been to several churches that have a bit more of a coffee-centric atmosphere in the lobby with a coffee shop, some going as far as making pour overs and espress...

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How to Plan Your Church Calendar A Year in Advance

New year, new you! Ok, maybe not a completely new you. But January 1st offers a fresh opportunity to set your church calendar up for success in the new year. Building out an entire calendar advance can feel intimidating, but it can help reduce overwhelm and scrambling later on in the year. Looking at your content from a bird’s eye view can also help you avoid obvious holes or redundancies in you...

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5 Meaningful Ways to Appreciate Your Church Volunteers

Volunteers are essential to every church. They invest in our youth, they care for our buildings, and give their time, talents, and dedication to help pull off Sunday after Sunday. These are the people who believe in your church’s mission and create the experiences that help people encounter God’s grace every weekend. For all their hard work, we are always looking for creative and meaningful...

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Establishing Boundaries as a Church Admin

As a church admin, it can be a challenge to maintain appropriate boundaries when you work at the same place you worship. Coworkers might want to talk shop on Sunday mornings when you’re there for your Sabbath, or you might get pulled into emergency volunteer situations by virtue of your day job. As you merge the personal and the professional, you might even find it more difficult than you’d li...

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How to Manage Church Subscriptions as An Admin

Subscriptions are vital resources for the church. From Multitracks to that fancy presentation software, from Canva to sermon websites, many church employees make strategic use of subscriptions to create polished deliverables and simplify their workflow. As the church admin, you might not be the one making personal use of these subscriptions, but most of the time, you’re the one responsible for k...

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3 Tips for Managing Details as a Church Admin

As a church administrative assistant, you’re constantly juggling details. Your day is jam packed with going to meetings, taking notes, revising plans before Sunday morning, scheduling building rooms for groups, and standing in the middle of a hurricane of last-minute requests. It can be… draining to say the least. Being a church admin is a very dynamic job, and it can be difficult to proper...

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The Church Admin’s Guide to Bridging Communication Gaps: 3 Steps to Reframe and Refresh Administrative Processes

Most of the time, the success of a team boils down to the quality of its communication. A church staff is a delightfully diverse array of people who all have different ways of thinking and communicating. There are big-pictured visionaries, energetic people-lovers, and detailed thinkers, like you. The good news? Despite your differences, you all share a greater vision that brings you together. A...

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Church Admins: Handling Last Minute Requests

Church admins are some of the busiest people working in a church. Due to the nature of the job, sometimes work blends into your personal life and vise versa. It’s tough, there’s a lot of moving parts, and it requires a ton of personal investment to make things run smoothly. Before we continue, know this - you are appreciated, and while not everyone may know how much you do, the church would...

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How to Be Proactive About a Pastoral Transition

Pastoral transitions are never easy. There are a number of reasons they occur - your pastor is retiring, transitioning jobs, moving, or being asked to step down. Regardless of the purpose, the fact remains that pastoral transitions are tough on everyone; your congregation, your staff, and your volunteers. While you can’t avoid all of the challenges associated with a pastoral transition, there...

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