
How to Build a Strong Teaching Team at Your Church


Does your church need a teaching team?

In many churches, the role of teaching and preaching often falls on a single individual, typically the pastor. While this tradition has its merits, there are numerous benefits to building a church teaching team. A teaching team can bring diversity, depth, and a broader range of perspectives to the pulpit. It also allows for pastors to lean into their gifts and prevent burnout. In this blog post, we’ll explore the steps to create a robust church teaching team that fosters spiritual growth and community engagement.

Before assembling a teaching team, it’s essential to identify the need for one. Consider factors such as:

Congregation size

Larger congregations may require multiple teachers to meet the diverse needs of their members.

Teaching topics

If your church covers a wide range of topics, a team can provide expertise in different areas.

A single pastor may be stretched thin, making it challenging to provide quality teaching consistently.

Recruit Team Members

When recruiting members for your teaching team, look for individuals with the following qualities:

A deep understanding of Scripture.
Excellent communication skills.
A passion for teaching and helping others grow spiritually.
The ability to work well with others and collaborate.

Consider conducting interviews or asking for recommendations within the congregation. Ensure that each member aligns with the church’s values and mission.

Offer Training and Development

Once you have your team in place, invest in their ongoing training and development. Provide resources, workshops, and opportunities for them to enhance their teaching skills and deepen their biblical knowledge. Encourage team members to attend seminars, conferences, or even pursue formal theological education if feasible.

Foster Collaboration

Effective teaching teams thrive on collaboration. Encourage regular meetings where team members can discuss upcoming lessons, share ideas, and provide constructive feedback to one another. This collaboration ensures a cohesive teaching approach and a united front when addressing the congregation.

Diversify Teaching Styles

Each team member will have their unique teaching style and strengths. Embrace these differences to engage a broader range of congregation members. Some may excel at expository preaching, while others are gifted in storytelling or interactive teaching methods. Diversity in teaching styles can help meet the various learning preferences within your congregation.

Plan Ahead

Effective teaching teams plan ahead intentionally. Develop a teaching calendar or series that aligns with the church’s overall vision and goals. Consider the needs of your congregation, holidays, and special events when planning the teaching schedule.

Evaluate and Adjust

Regularly evaluate the teaching team’s effectiveness through feedback from the congregation. Use surveys or discussions to gather input on teaching quality, relevance, and impact. Be open to adjusting your approach and team composition based on the feedback received.

Building a church teaching team can be a transformative step in enhancing the spiritual growth of your congregation. With intention, you can create a strong and effective teaching team that enriches the spiritual journey of your faith community. By having multiple teachers who share the pulpit week after week, you can further nurture a congregation that is well-grounded in faith and empowered to live out their beliefs in the world.

Josh Tarp, Author

About the Author

Josh Tarp is a multi-instrumentalist, singer-songwriter, and worship leader from Minneapolis with over 15 years of experience in church & worship leadership. Josh serves as the Director of Marketing at Motion Worship, helping to write various blog posts, managing social media, designing graphics, and handling customer service.

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